It’s finally done ^^


It was a hectic day, indeed. Everything we had practiced was purposedly for today. The final project or known as Dragons’ Den. We were the second selected group to be presented in front of four judges. We appointed at 2.00 pm to do some more practices; we had rehearsed many times to deliver a good presentation to them.  We tried to make it concise and spend time within 8 minutes. Everything seemed to be working well after trying so hard. We went to the presentation room slightly before the time. When the time came, we threw away all the fear and panic and started presenting what we had done but unfortunately, the time was less than what we thought and one of my group mates had no chance to mention about her part all we could do was just flipped through those prepared slides T____T.  We had to answer some questions in relation to our products and we were able to provide clear-cut answers as well as some suggestions from them. It was such a valuable suggestion such as how to protect your creative idea since the nature of our product would be easy to imitate and how to patent the idea. It will be certainly useful in the real business. Gladly, we were chosen to do an elevator pitch which means we have done it very well from my own thought. Elevator pitch appears to be a crucial thing in the business as we had to quickly summarise and define our products and its value to the audiences. Just hope that we could win some award in return after having a very hard time to get through this.

Thank you for spending your time to read my blog : )

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